Growing An Organization of Givers by Philip Gajewski, Team Leader In the world of business, and in any office setting, a multitude of personalities exist among employees. But there are 3 fundamental styles of personal interaction that require particular focus: Takers, Matchers and Givers. [The latter of the 3 being most beneficial in the author’s opinion.] In brief: Takers – This type of personality has a unique signature in that they like to take more than they give and often tilt reciprocity in there own favor. Matchers – With a belief in tit-for- tat fairness, this personality type strives to preserve an equal balance of giving and getting. Givers – This personality type uses a different cost-benefit analysis, where they may help when the benefits to others exceeds personal cost. So the question remains, which employee style is more effective and produces higher success rates? Unfortunately, the Givers tend to get a bad rep and a large amount fall ...